13 May 2013


I had to get out with the camera last week and capture the blossom, before the windy weather blew it all away. Apparently the freaky weather this past winter/spring made all the blossom come at once, pear, plum, cherry and apple, quince. We're lucky to have all of those, a garden full of pretty pinks and whites and so much too. When we first moved here two and a half years ago, the trees had been neglected and not pruned. We're trying hard to get them back in shape, they are improving year on year and though not perfect they are much more manageable than when we first arrived. Now we're hoping all this blossom turns to fruit!


  1. I love the apple trees all leaning the same way! Jane x

    1. Hi Jane, Aren't they funny! I don't think of our garden as being particularly windy, but perhaps it was once! I've no idea how old they are.

  2. What a gorgeous garden you have! And also what a lovely blog, I am now your newest follower!
    M x

  3. Très belle photo!
    J'aime beaucoup votre blog


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