9 July 2012

hoard or collect - brooches

I mentioned back here how I like to collect things (OK hoard things). But I consider this an OK thing to do, simply because my collections allow me to collect tins too! And I REALLY love tins, remember I showed some back here and here. I store lots of little collections in my collection of tins. Think I'm mad? D does.

Anyway I thought it would be fun to share a little collection of this or that every now and again. So first off my collection of brooches. I used to be really into them and wear one pretty much everyday, I haven't done that for a while, or even added to the collection. But I still love them all, some are inherited, some I've bought, some have been given. I've probably more than this, but some things I keep in different places for different reasons - or is that just being messy?