This past week has been the saddest week ever for D and I. On Tuesday we had to let our little cat Shelley go. Remember back here we were worried about her, she hadn't been herself, the vet thought her teeth were in need of a scale and polish and she had a bit of an infection, unfortunately the blood tests showed that on top of a few bad teeth her kidney disease (she'd had it for a while) had got markedly worse. We didn't realise then that she had so few days left with us. I spoke to the vet again on Friday and we decided to change her food, give her some yummy stuff in the hope it would lift her. We had a lovely weekend together, Shelley ate her favourite foods and we took her out in the garden with us to experience the fresh air and sunny days, she plodded around, but day by day our little girl was going downhill. It was the hardest decision we've had to make - when to let her go, Monday evening we knew, we hugged her and she slept on the bed with us (on and off). Tuesday morning we cuddled her, we cried, and we said goodbye. We laid her to rest in the garden and planted a tree for her, in the days since we visit that tree and talk to her, we miss her like we crazy and I've cried a whole lot more. I thought making the decision to let her rest was the hard part, but no just living without her is the hard part, no little Shelley to look for when we come home, no little Shelley sitting behind me now. Luckily we still have a healthy boy in Mouser, who's getting more cuddles than ever before, he's missing Shel too, looking for her everyday, sniffing around and wondering why he's now dining alone. Sad times here I'm afraid, but time will heal us (I hope). I've been wanting to write about her, I know it's a bit gloomy but she meant too much to us to not get a moment of glory here. So here she is our little Shelley. Seems I never took a sharp picture of her - just loads on my phone all a bit ropey but I think you'll still love her : )
Note. We didn't own Shelley we cared for her on behalf of the Cinnamon Trust, the Cinnamon Trust is a charity for people in their last years, they help people to care for their pets as they undergo difficulties, medical treatment etc. They continue to care for the pet if it is bereaved of it's owner. They are a wonderful charity, and I can't thank them enough for their support especially over the past few weeks and for homing Shelley with us (via my lovely friend Jo - it's a long story). If you love animals and have a little time to spare and some love to give you should look them up, they need help in lots of ways from the occasional dog walk, to regular visits, to providing a home.