D and I have been spending a lot of time in the garden, it's really starting to take shape now and I can't wait to share some pictures with you. I want to do a before and after post, possibly with a bit of the in-between thrown in as well (it might just take me a bit of time to put that together). We've been in this house just over a year and a half now, the garden is big and was a complete mess when we moved in so we've been working hard to get it in order and looking a little more how we'd like. We've fallen in love with gardening and have lots of ideas that we hope to put in place over the next few years in order to make our little patch as good as we can get it. We work hard at it, often nearly forgetting to relax at all, more often than not we're still out there as the light begins to fade. So to help us relax a little better we've strung up these pretty lights. They are solar powered which is great, though I haven't quite got used to not having to turn them off when you come inside for the night!