24 October 2011

hello dolly

Hooray for Sunday and the car boot! Oh how we love to rummage! This week I came home with this lovely little lady, her clothes need a little attention, not much, just a stitch here and there. Isn't she lovely? At first I thought I'd make her a new outfit, but now I think I'll keep her original dress, it rather suits her. 

We also came away with a wonderful art deco paraffin heater, which will keep us cosy when we eat out on cold evenings, a bag of wet walnuts which were disappointingly past their best, a lump of cheese! the biggest bottle brush you've ever seen, a jigsaw to keep us entertained during these dark nights and a plant for my mum.

bread you have to try!

I was browsing various blogs when I came across Geninne's, she made bread using Jim Lahey's no-knead recipe - it looked good, I watched the you tube video, then watched it again, then called D, we watched it together, then again, then again! It looked so easy we had to give it a try. Immediately we gathered ingredients and made the dough. We set it aside and looked forward to the following morning when we would bake it. 

Wow look what came out of the oven! 

We've now made our second loaf and it came out looking just as good. We've tried making bread before and it's never been right, but this stuff is seriously good I can't recommend it enough. We just used organic white bread flour and oatmeal on top, next time we are going to try some wholemeal, that we bought from Lode Mill at Anglesey Abbey.