I know you'll all have been wondering how Tit is doing... well now you can see. He's growing everyday, you literally notice the changes in just a few hours. His (we still don't know the sex) chest and tummy are now covered in real feathers, just little ones but the real deal, silky and smooth. His bum is also looking very pretty with little brown tinged feathers poking out. He gave me a real scare before the weekend as he gobbled a strip of duct tape. I panicked called the vet and emailed various duck experts, no one seemed concerned and thought he'd just pass it. Well I'm still not sure if the tape is out or not, but Tit seems absolutely fine. He spent lots of time in the garden hanging out with us over the weekend and loved getting his beak muddy and splashing about. His new home is arriving tomorrow, so he should be in there by the weekend if the weather stays mild.
The garden is so pretty at the moment, flowers everywhere - I love them all, even the rogue weeds that aren't meant to be there! We've been busy in the veg patch, not growing, just making beds and weeding, just had two big bags delivered one of bark chippings for the paths and one of a local tonic to top up the beds.
Finally another glimpse of me, I'm trying to get over my camera shyness - I'm not sure if you'll ever get more than a glimpse!