14 June 2012

hiding in the light

I woke this morning to sunshine pouring through the windows, the forecast says it won't last so popped out with the camera to capture a few of the beautiful flowers that have been bursting open while I've been hiding indoors from the cold and the wet. The postman caught me and posed like a muscle man, it was hilarious I don't know why I didn't take a picture to share, I must have been in shock! 

If you've been following my Instagram snaps you'll see that little Tit is growing by the day, he's such a cutie, though doesn't 'alf make a mess! I'll try and get some decent shots to post here for you. Or you could take a look over at Instagram I'm 'nicekindofblue' as you might have guessed! I can't believe I was so slow to get the Instagram thing - I love it, it's so much fun and so easy. 

I've also decided to have another bash at Twitter, so you'll find me there too - yep I'm 'nicekindofblue', I'm getting the hang of it slowly. Let me know if your there too, I'm hopeless at finding people!