Tit and Pie, they make my heart sing! They really are the cutest things.
Pie might only look small but the other day he showed us all what a big strong boy he is. When a male Mallard landed in the garden with a fancy for Tit. Pie went straight in for a fight, had a little tussle and then flew the Mallard away to the river. By the time we got over to the riverbank Pie was telling three ducks that this was his patch and his girl, he chased them off down river and then swam back to us for some tomato and a little cuddle before being reunited with Tit! What a little cutie!
[in case you're wondering - when we first got Pie we though he was a she, I can't remember when we discovered his true sex, but if you've just read the post where I introduce him you'll see I referred to him as a her!]