12 July 2012

It's been a wet week.

1. Tit enjoying the rain.
2. I've been reading Betty magazine.
3. Monkey money box found at the car boot a while back.
4. Book end, another old car boot find.
5. 6. 7. Our home needs a good tidy, dead flowers everywhere.
8. 9. The garden is lush after all the rain.


  1. Wow - Tit is so big now! Do you know if she's a girl or he's a boy yet?

    1. I know I'm amazed how fast she's growing. I say 'she' we haven't a clue!

  2. I love your book end - what a great find x

    1. Thanks Karen, I've got another one but it's a different scene. I'll post a photo of that sometime.


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