10 May 2012

in the post

When I arrived home yesterday there was post to open! You might have read before how much I love to receive post - and I don't mean bills! I love post from friends and family little packages of love. Well yesterday I was lucky enough to receive two packages, one a gift from my little niece and nephew in Australia (OK they're not technically 'my' niece and nephew, they are D's but it's the closest I'll get since I'm an unmarried only child). They are just so creative, check out this pretty card they've made (above). 

And a letter from my lovely friend Marf, decorated with flowers, oh Marf knows how much I love plants and flowers! She wondered if I knew what they were, I don't, but perhaps you do.


  1. So sweet, is the card watercolour - very pretty - that is exactly the colours are now here during autumn x


Hello! I love comments they make such nice surprises, so please say hello or whatever it is you'd rather say : ) I'll try and answer any questions you have, so do check back - if I'm busy it might take me a day or two, so be patient please.