20 February 2012

swooshing above my head

A few weeks ago I treated myself to this flying swallows, Flensted mobile. I've wanted a mobile for ages and as soon as I saw this I knew it would be perfect to hang above my desk. So from now onwards whenever I have a creative block I can sit and look up at the swallows swooshing about above my head. The heat from my mac seems to give them that extra swoosh! And wow they really go crazy when hoovering our little studio room!  (excuse the washi tape fixing, I'm still trying to track down a little white thumb tack to do a better job - where are they all hiding?)

Hope you had a good weekend. Ours was spent mostly at home with the exception of a little food shopping. Yesterday was the best day - really bright sunshine, though cold with it. We finally got out in the garden, pruning for me and digging for D - all satisfying stuff!


  1. That mobile is beautiful and it must be very relaxing just watching it. Flensted make such beautiful pieces.

  2. I love flensted mobiles - we have a hot air balloon one. I haven't seen that one before... I rather like it's washi tape fixing :)


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