16 January 2012

liebster blog ♥

Andrea from little buckles has kindly nominated nice kind of blue, as one of her favourite blogs. Thank you Andrea! I've only been blogging since September so this is quite exciting for me : )
The rules for this award are easy-peasy. If you were tagged and would like to join, write a post with the links to the person who tagged you and to five of your favourite little-known blogs and inform those you tagged. That's it.

So, here are my five favourites (I'm sure you'll love them too, you might even know them already):

Lottie Loves
Pregnancy, Joy, and Other Things...
Fast Times in Munchen
Something I Made
Toot as in Foot

P.S. Image of my desk.


  1. You're very welcome :) i'm off to have a gander at your favourite blogs. Xx

  2. Wow, thank you very much! I'm going to write a post...

  3. Thank you Polly! Am trying to do my five now... it's hard; makes me realise how bad I am at keeping up with the blogs I like!


Hello! I love comments they make such nice surprises, so please say hello or whatever it is you'd rather say : ) I'll try and answer any questions you have, so do check back - if I'm busy it might take me a day or two, so be patient please.